Nov. 27 - Dec. 18 Teaching Series
We celebrate and anticipate the birth of Christ by observing Advent, the 4 Sundays prior to Christmas Day.
Nov. 27 - Matthew 1:1-17 - Hope - God is Faithful Forever
Dec. 4 - Matthew 1:18-25 - Peace - Don’t Give Up on God
Dec. 11 - Matthew 2:12 - Love - Seek God and Find Him
Dec. 18 - Matthew 2:13-23 - Joy - The Joy of Walking in God’s Will
August 14 - Nov. 20 Teaching Series
Walking in the Light Together
We will walk through 1 John together this Fall. John reminded the early Christians at the end of the First Century that God is light; and that if we want to walk in fellowship with God, we must believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. But not only that, we must also love each other and walk with Christ together. There is no such thing as a solo Christian.
Aug. 14 - 1 John 1:1-4 - Where Joy is Found
Aug. 21 - 1 John 1:5-2:2 - Walking in the Light
Aug. 28 - 1 John 2:3-6 - How Do I Know if I Really Know God?
Sept. 4 - 1 John 2:7-11 - (feat. John Michael Murray)
Sept. 11 - 1 John 2:12-14 - Encourage Each Other with These Truths
Sept. 18 - 1 Thessalonians 1:2-10 *Special message
Sept. 25 - 1 John 2:15-3:3 - Children of God
Oct. 2 - 1 John 3:4-10 - Born of God
Oct. 9 - 1 John 3:11-23 - What’s Love Got to Do With It? (feat. Kenny)
Oct. 16 - 1 John 3:24-4:6 - The Incarnation Matters
Oct. 23 - 1 John 4:7-21 - What Love Is and Isn’t
Oct. 30 - 1 John 5:1-12 - His Commands are not a Burden
Nov. 6 - 1 John 5:13-15 - Be Bold in Prayer
Nov. 13 - 1 John 5:16-19 - Intercessory Prayer Works
Nov. 20 - 1 John 5:20-21 - Watch Out for Counterfeits
August 7, 2022 Message
A special message on stewardship.
Aug. 7 - Luke 12:13-34 - Be Rich toward God
July 10 - July 31 Teaching Series
Micah was a prophet in Israel at the same time as Isaiah. It is from Micah’s book that we learn of the Messiah’s birthplace—Bethlehem. While Micah’s ministry happened almost 3,000 years ago, God’s timeless truths and message is still relevant for us today.
In this 4-week series we will explore Micah’s message to ancient Israel, what that message meant to its original audience, and then bridge the gap of history to what it means for us today.
July 10 - Micah 3:1-12, Be Imitators of God
July 17 - Micah 4:1-8; 7:18-20, Hope
July 24 - Micah 4:9-5:5a, Recognizing the Messiah
July 31 - Micah 6:6-16 (feat. Kenny Edmonds)
June 12 - July 3 Teaching Series
Malachi (MAL - ah - KYE) is the last book of the Old Testament and the final prophet of Israel before the birth of John the Baptizer. Malachi called Israel back to genuine worship. Israel was just going through the motions. Their hearts were far from God.
This short book holds relevance for us today. It is far too easy for Christians to slip into going through the motions and becoming good church people instead of passionate followers of Jesus Christ.
June 12 - Malachi 2:1-17, A Right Way and a Wrong Way
June 19 - Malachi 3:1-7, Christ the Purifier
June 26 - Malachi 3:8-18, Faith is Relational and Risky
July 3 - Malachi 4:1-6 (feat. J.M. Murray)
June 5, 2022 Message
As Baptists we don’t typically follow the church calendar, but Pastor Will enjoys highlighting Pentecost Sunday. On this Sunday every year the church remembers the coming of the Holy Spirit and, therefore, the beginning of the growth of the church and the spreading of the gospel.
May 22 - 29 Teaching Series
Haggai (Hagg - eye) is located toward the end of the Old Testament in a section of books we call the Minor Prophets. This short record of prophetic words for post-exilic Israel is relevant to us today.
Join us as Pastor Will preaches through the whole book.
May 22 - Haggai 1:1-15
May 29 - Haggai 2:1-23
May 8 - 15 Teaching Series
Pastor Will returns to the pulpit with 2 weeks of special messages.
May 8 - Following Jesus while Reading the Old Testament
May 15 - About My Hospital Stay
Apr. 10 - May 1 Teachings
We have enjoyed a few guest preachers this Spring. They have preached on various topics.
Apr. 10 - Romans 9-11, Pt. 1 (feat. Dan Coe)
Apr. 17 - Romans 9-11, Pt. 2 (feat. Dan Coe) *Easter Sunday
Apr. 24 - Romans 9-11, Pt. 3 (feat. Dan Coe)
May 1 - Reaching the Next Generation (feat. Kenny Edmonds)
Jan. 2 - Apr. 3, 2022 Teaching Series
The gospel of Matthew records what is commonly referred to as Jesus’ “Sermon on the Mount” in chapters 5-7. This passage of Scripture is perhaps the most famous teaching of Jesus Christ. Most of us know pieces of it even if we don’t know the exact reference. The first 14 weeks of 2022 are dedicated to exploring and unpacking this counter-cultural message of the Kingdom of Heaven.
Jan. 2 - Matthew 5:1-12 - Blessed, Part 1
Jan. 9 - Matthew 5:13-16 - Blessed, Part 2
Jan. 16 - Matthew 5:17-20 - The World Needs Genuine Christians
Jan. 23 - Matthew 5:21-26 - Have You Killed Anyone Lately? (Feat. JM Murray)
*Pastor Will experienced a serious medical condition that included a hospital stay and lengthy recovery. The Sermon on the Mount series was therefore interrupted and guest preachers helped fill the pulpit until his return to preaching.
Jan. 30 - *No Services this Sunday (COVID)
Feb. 6 - A Message from Matt Tullos
Feb. 13 - Matthew 6:1-6, 16-18 (feat. Kenny Edmonds)
Feb. 20 - A Message from Brent Gambrell
Feb. 27 - A Message from Dan Coe on 2 Corinthians 1:3-7
March 6 - Matthew 7:1-6 (feat. Kenny Edmonds)
March 13 - A Message from Brent Gambrell
March 20 - Matthew 7:12-14 (feat. JM Murray)
March 27 - A Message from Elijah Hosse
Apr. 3 - A Message from Elijah Hosse
You can watch all the Sunday Evening messages in this playlist. You can select different messages by clicking the icon in the top right corner.