Worship is a way of life.

It involves all of our being—our heart, soul, and mind. It is a lifelong pursuit for all who trust in Jesus as Savior.

Worship also is an act of God’s people as we gather together. Together we express God’s worthiness to be praised. We sing, clap, play, listen, pray, learn, respond, and so much more.  Offering ourselves as living sacrifices, we seek to: Honor and praise God, the Father, our Creator; Remember and celebrate the work of Jesus, the Son; and Invoke and submit to the guidance and presence of the Holy Spirit.

Opportunities to Get Involved


This group, made up of people who love to sing God’s praises, leads our church family weekly to do the same, and there are no auditions. If you have a passion to worship God in song, and you would love to encourage others to do the same; praise choir is for you!


We need you!

This group is the foundation for our congregational praise time, as they run audio, project video, control lighting, etc. We are always looking for willing individuals to plug in and help us on this team. We do all the training, no prior experience required! This group arrives early every Sunday to rehearse with the band and choir.