Health Concerns:

Bro. Jonas Taylor - recovering from open heart surgery

Kathy Criswell - recovering from shoulder surgery

Smiley Blanchard

Brenda Burnette (Steve’s mom) brain bleed after fall

Joan West

Phillip Elmore (Betty’s son)

Lenora Moss

Linda Gregory

Inez Short

Brenda Cline

Richard and Betty Taylor and their son Shane

Betty Bradford

Paul and Janice Smith

Darlene Bates

Pat Pharr

Richard Gleaves

Marshall Kennedy

Joe Pharr

Shirley Wilkinson



Dan Hosse (Elijah’s dad) - possible bladder cancer

Betty Harold - breast cancer

Bro. Russ Stephens - Prostate cancer

Tom Davis - esophagus cancer

Emberly Kate (3yrs old) - kidney cancer

Katrina Smith - breast cancer

Jim Hackworth

Richard Mahoney (Lois Hacker’s son-in-law)


Richard Gleaves and family in the loss of his brother, Owen

Brenda Cline in the loss of her husband, Bill

Joyce Robinson in the loss of her brother, Tony


Brad, Lori, and Julie (friends of Eric Cummings)

Lee and Bailey Peach